Tear Stains in Dogs

Dog Care

August 6, 2024

What is tear staining?

Tear staining is a discoloration caused by increased tearing or not enough drainage from the tear ducts. It can be compared to when you get something in your eye. Your eye will begin to water to help flush out whatever is causing the irritation.

Are tear stains common?

Tear stains are common in several dog breeds. For some, it is due to shallow eye sockets. Others may have skin folds around their eyes. Some dogs have seasonal allergies or they could have food sensitivities.

What can I do if my dog has tear stains?

If your dog has issues with tear stains it may be something to talk to your vet about. If allergies or other health concerns have been ruled out, cleaning their eyes/face regularly can keep those stains in check.

Cleaning your dog’s face and eyes

Graham has issues with tear staining. I wipe his face/eye areas every morning with a cotton fabric round with warm water.

I wipe from the inner corner to the outer corner. I use a different cotton round for each eye. If Graham were to ever have an infection in one eye, I want to prevent spreading it to the other eye.

Cotton rounds

I make my own cotton rounds from flannel. They are washable so they can be reused over and over.

If you would like to make your own:


Tear Stain Cleanser

Once or twice a week I use a tear stain wash made for dogs to help remove any staining. Then I dry those areas below his eyes to keep the moisture to a minimum.

The fur under Graham’s eyes/face area are prone to holding matter from his eyes tearing. I trim that fur. This way the fur stays cleaner and drier.

Tear stains are uncomfortable especially if debris collects. Graham likes having his eyes wiped. If your dog has never had their eyes wiped, remember to take it slow. Offer lots of praise.

For more information: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/tear-stains-prevent-and-clean/